Friday, November 21, 2008

I Love Dirt!

Recently, I have been fairly obsessed with the earthy and woodsy scents.  Maybe it is because I go outside into the Pacific NorthWest Fall air and am overcome by the amazing variety of rich scents that come from the Hemlocks, Fir trees or even the gigantic varieties of fungi that seem to grow at the speed of light here.  I think for humans, the attraction to the smell of earth, grasses, leaves, barks and resins is innate.  We need the minerals and the other elements to stay alive and nurtured. I tend to associate these oils with living and being free; like hiking up a mountain or swimming in the ocean or traveling from city to city or country to country without boundaries, it brings us closer to real living.  So, saying all this, (at 4am, too early to be contemplating any of this really) I have been inspired to create my next blend called Bohem.  Bohem is a blend of earthy and light blends like aged dark Patchouli, Oakmoss, Orange Essence, Davana, Vetiver and other oils.  Like a traveling artist who is only bound by his ideas, Bohem will transport you to a another world and put you in touch with your free self.  This blend will be available early in January and I think it will be a perfect way to kick of 2009.

1 Comment:

Green Subjective said...

I love when inspiration strikes in the middle of the night!

This new scent sounds wonderful. I can't wait to see what it smells like.

Hurray and good luck!